Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network
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Workshop                                        Organizer(s)


1992, 1st workshop, Bergen, Norway, Norvald Monsen (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration)

1994, 2nd workshop, Valencia, Spain, Vicente Montesinos (University of Valencia) and José-Manuel Vela (University of Valencia)[1]

1996, 3rd workshop, Speyer, Germany, Klaus Lüder (University of Administrative Sciences Speyer

1998, 4th workshop, Birmingham, UK, Rowan Jones (University of Birmingham)[2]

2000, 5th workshop, Speyer, Germany, Klaus Lüder (University of Administrative Sciences Speyer

2002, 6th workshop, Siena, Italy, Riccardo Mussari (University of Siena)[3]

2004, 7th workshop, St. Callen, Switzerland, Kuno Schedler (University of St. Gallen)[4]

2006, 8th workshop, Hamburg, Germany, Dietrich Budaeus (University of Hamburg), on Performance Measurement and Output-Based Budgeting

2008, 9th workshop, Tilburg, the Netherland, Aad Bac (University of Tilburg), on Materiality in Accounting and Auditing

2010, 10th workshop, Tampere, Finland, Salme Näsi (University of Tampere)

2012, 11th workshop, Barcelos, Portugal, Maria José Fernandes, Patricia Gomes and Susana Jorge (Polytrechnic School of Barcelos) on public sector performance management

2014, 12th workshop, Kristianstad, Sweden, Giuseppe Grossi (Kristianstad University)

[1] Publication: Montesinos, V. and J. M. Vela (eds), International Research in Public Sector Accounting, Reporting and Auditing, Valencia: Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, 1995.

[2] Publication: Financial Accountability and Management, Volume 16, No. 2, May 2000.

[3] Publication: Lüder, K. and R. Jones (eds), Reforming Governmental Accounting and Budgeting in Europe, Frankfurt: Fachverlag Moderne Wirtschaft, 2003.

[4] Publication: Public Money and Management, Vol. 26(4), 2006.